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Choosing to Choose Joy

Once while on a missions trip to serve the inner city poor, a man said to us “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to...

When Anxiety Comes Knocking...

January felt like it lasted ten years. For me, I think that is largely because it contained some unpleasant events for our family which...

A Letter to My Doula

Dear Doula, Thank you. Thank you for answering the questions I didn’t want to ask anyone else. Thank you for reassuring me when I was...

My Husband’s Love Humbles Me

I may sound like a cliche romantic, but I seriously believe I have the best husband ever. He is so patient, thoughtful, compassionate,...

Tiny Hands

As I nurse my baby boy, I can’t help but admire his tiny hands, fit with tiny knuckles and tiny fingernails. I wonder how something so...

Noah’s Birth Story

Thursday, September 27 I woke up to get ready to go in for an NST and ultrasound to check my fluid levels since I was 41 weeks. I went to...

Beauty of Breastfeeding

I am so thankful for the miracle of breastfeeding. I mean my body literally creates food to sustain another human being in addition to...

Childbirth & The Cross

As my pregnancy is coming to an end, I find myself thinking more and more about the labor and birth that are just around the corner....

My Story...

Hello, my name is Alexis Wiktorowski! :) My husband, Troy, and I currently live in north central Indiana. We met during Purdue's freshmen...

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