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  • Writer's pictureAlexis

My Husband’s Love Humbles Me

I may sound like a cliche romantic, but I seriously believe I have the best husband ever. He is so patient, thoughtful, compassionate, fun, and did I mention patient? Before we were ever married, I knew the man was a keeper (hence why I married him ;) ), but since getting married and having a baby, he just continues to amaze me with his selfless acts whether that’s scraping the ice off my car before he goes to work so I don’t have to or cooking me food so I can continue cuddling the sleeping baby. I can’t tell you how many times he has brought me a full glass of water while I’m nursing to make sure I stay hydrated. In the big things and the little things, the man is just so thoughtful! Now, I’m not saying he’s never made a mistake or we never disagree or argue because well, we’re both human. However, I am saying that not only do I notice my husband’s selflessness, but it actually challenges me sometimes.

Recently, I was humbled when a situation arose and instead of being a jerk and getting mad or frustrated with me, he chose to respond with so much grace and compassion. Not only was he not upset like I worried he’d be, but he was so kind and understanding and even encouraging! In the moment, I thought to myself, “If the situation was reversed would I respond this way?” and immediately the Holy Spirit inside of me said “No you would not.” Honestly, my heart sank a little bit because although I so very much appreciate the way he responded to me with such grace and love, I was mad at myself. I so badly wanted to say I’d have reacted the same way to him in this situation, but I couldn’t lie to myself. I may be a “good” person compared to some people but deep down, my flesh is still inherently selfish. My instinct is to think about myself first. But my husband didn’t do that. In that moment, he chose to love me more than himself and show me compassion even though I’m sure it was hard for him.

Even though I didn’t like the truth about myself that I was confronted with, I am thankful for the way my husband has chosen to model the selfless love of Jesus, not just talk about it. I’m thankful for a husband who’s love for me challenges me to love others better. I’m thankful that our children will see the heart of God the Father in their earthly father.

As I reflect on this seemingly minor event that wrecked my heart in a major way, I pray that God would continue to humble me and give me the grace to put others before myself even when it’s hard and inconvenient, whether that’s my husband or a complete stranger. My husband’s response reminded just how powerful our actions can be and I want to be someone who loves with my actions, not just my words.

I challenge you today to think of one way you can love someone else before yourself.

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