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  • Writer's pictureAlexis

Childbirth & The Cross

As my pregnancy is coming to an end, I find myself thinking more and more about the labor and birth that are just around the corner. Since this is my first baby, I don't know what to expect except that it is going to hurt. A lot. I feel like no matter how many birthing podcasts or birth stories I listen to, nothing can truly prepare me for what it is going to be like to birth a child, physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

One day when I was thinking about what it is going to take to bring my baby into the world, I just started to pray and ask the Lord to prepare me since I cannot fully prepare myself. While I was driving and just talking to God, He showed me that although Jesus never literally birthed a baby, He knows what it is like. WHAT?!

You see, when Jesus went to the cross He knew that it was going to be painful. In fact, it was going to be downright torture. But He did it anyway. He could have called a legion of angels to rescue Him at any given moment, but He didn't. He went through with it, feeling the nails digging into his flesh, the open wounds on his back, and the thorns in his scalp. Why? Because He knew the pain was worth the prize. He would be beaten and nailed to the cross over and over again for sake of having you.

I know labor and childbirth are going to be painful. But even more than that, I know it is going to be worth it to hold this sweet boy in my arms. Because of my love for my son, I would do anything to hold him in my arms and God would do anything to have you. He already did the greatest thing by giving His son to die so that you could have life.

No matter how painful, it will all be so so worth it for the sake of bringing my baby boy in this world.

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